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Federation Bonneygrove Primary School and Millbrook Primary School - September 2024

Here you will find information regarding the vision, value and ethos of The Bonneygrove and Millbrook Primary schools Federation. 




Vision, Values and Ethos

Bonneygrove Primary School and Millbrook Primary School Federation



At the Federation, we strive to inspire and be inspired by others, to respect and be respected by everyone, to achieve success and help others succeed, to build resilience and assist others in developing it, and to ensure that everyone is heard and cared for. Our main goal is to nurture happy, successful, and resilient children who will become responsible citizens locally and globally. Our staff are committed to fostering confident young individuals who are eager to learn and reach their full potential. Our children can turn their dreams into reality with the invaluable support of their parents/carers, who are not just integral members of our school community, but also active partners in their child's education. Together with our teachers and peers, they play a crucial role in shaping our schools' vision.


The Federation is committed to providing a kind, safe, and stimulating environment for every child to achieve their full potential. Our goals include creating a happy, healthy school where everyone, regardless of their background or abilities, feels valued. We are dedicated to tailoring teaching to individual needs for rapid and sustained progress. We set high aspirations and expectations for behaviour and achievement, aiming to encourage self-motivated, positive learners with curious minds. Our curriculum is inclusive and diverse, and we utilise technology to support learning while promoting digital citizenship and e-safety. Our ethos also emphasises cooperation, respect, and tolerance among children, and involves parents and carers in their children's education. These values guide everything we do.


The Federations  values are not just words on a page; they are integral to our success, attainment, progress, and growth. Respect, inclusion, honesty, kindness, and ambition are the values that will ensure children understand their expectations and guide them in their learning journey. We want these values to stay with the children throughout their education and beyond. We want our pupils to recognise the importance of these values and use them as part of their moral compass.