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Our school newsletters provide essential information to parents/carers and fosters a connection between the classroom and home. Newsletters are sent monthly, depending on the type of information being reported. 
Our school newsletters will inform parents/carers of special school activities such as trips, meetings and volunteer opportunities. 
As the date or trip draws closer, our newsletters will gently remind families to plan for the event. The newsletters will also remind families when particular items are needed for an activity such as odd sock day, world book day, children in need and other special occasions or celebrations.
The newsletters are also essential for parents/carers in sharing successes and news about how the children and school are achieving.  ‘Marvellous Me’ also allows teachers and office staff to send information to parents/carers about each class, e.g. recent activities, requests from home, responding to emails etc. These updates allow parents to see what is going on in and around the school. The newsletters will also enable us to ask for feedback from parents/carers regarding what the school does well and ask for suggestions on how to improve. 

Archived Newsletters