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Performance and Results

We would like to share with you our latest key performance data. Please note that due to the COVID19 pandemic the children did not complete external assessments during the summer term. 

Results over Time All Key Stages and Phases 

 School and college performance measures website 

Unvalidated Data 2024


Statutory Assessments Report

Bonneygrove Primary School

Key Results - 2023-2024

Assessment Statistic Cohort School Result National Comparison National Result School Percentile Rank
KS2 Reading, Writing & Maths combined % of pupils achieving the expected standard 60 73%  At or above 61% 81st
KS2 Reading, Writing & Maths combined % of pupils achieving the higher standard 60 7%  At or above ~ 7% 56th
Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) % of pupils scoring full marks (25/25) 57 63%  Above (significant) ~ 34% 93rd
Phonics Screening Check % of pupils passing in Year 1 59 81%  At or above ~ 80% 48th
Early Years Foundation Stage % of pupils achieving a Good Level of Development 38 76%  At or above ~ 68% 76th

Key Stage 2

Subject Statistic 2018-2019 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024
School National School National School National Cohort School National
Reading, Writing & Maths combined % of pupils achieving the expected standard - 65% 53%  59% 74%  60% 60 73%  61%
Reading, Writing & Maths combined % of pupils achieving the higher standard - 11% 5%  7% 5%  8% 60 7%  ~ 7%
Reading % of pupils achieving the expected standard - 73% 74%  74% 90%  73% 60 80%  74%
Reading % of pupils achieving the higher standard - 27% 17%  28% 33%  29% 60 27%  ~ 28%
Reading Average scaled score - 104.0 103.3  105.0 107.1  105.0 60 105.0  105.0
Writing % of pupils achieving the expected standard - 78% 71%  69% 85%  71% 60 88%  72%
Writing % of pupils working at greater depth - 20% 2%  13% 7%  13% 60 12%  ~ 12%
Maths % of pupils achieving the expected standard - 79% 72%  71% 90%  73% 60 88%  73%
Maths % of pupils achieving the higher standard - 27% 10%  22% 28%  24% 60 18%  ~ 23%
Maths Average scaled score - 105.0 102.9  104.0 106.0  104.0 60 105.0  104.0
GPS % of pupils achieving the expected standard - 78% 71%  72% 89%  72% 60 78%  72%
GPS % of pupils achieving the higher standard - 36% 26%  28% 36%  30% 60 25%  ~ 31%
GPS Average scaled score - 106.0 103.9  105.0 107.4  105.0 60 105.4  105.0
Science % of pupils achieving the expected standard - 83% - 79% 92%  80% 60 90%  81%

Multiplication Tables Check (MTC)

Statistic 2018-2019 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024
School National School National School National Cohort School National
% of pupils scoring full marks (25/25) - 0% 8%  27% 52%  29% 57 63%  ~ 34%
Average score (out of 25) - 0.0 18.1  19.8 22.8  20.2 57 24.1  ~ 20.7

Key Stage 1

Subject Statistic 2018-2019 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024
School National School National School National Cohort School National
Reading, Writing & Maths combined % of pupils achieving the expected standard 70%  ~ 64% 28%  ~ 53% 42%  ~ 55% 58 50%  ~ 57%
Reading, Writing & Maths combined % of pupils working at greater depth 11%  ~ 10% 2%  ~ 5% 2%  ~ 6% 58 3%  ~ 6%
Reading % of pupils achieving the expected standard 79%  75% 59%  67% 58%  68% 58 69%  ~ 71%
Reading % of pupils working at greater depth 15%  25% 9%  18% 23%  19% 58 14%  ~ 19%
Writing % of pupils achieving the expected standard 77%  69% 37%  58% 50%  60% 58 66%  ~ 62%
Writing % of pupils working at greater depth 17%  15% 2%  8% 8%  8% 58 5%  ~ 8%
Maths % of pupils achieving the expected standard 77%  76% 50%  68% 56%  70% 58 59%  ~ 71%
Maths % of pupils working at greater depth 19%  22% 9%  15% 8%  16% 58 10%  ~ 15%
Science % of pupils achieving the expected standard 81%  82% 63%  77% 79%  79% 60 85%  ~ 82%

Phonics Screening Check

Statistic 2018-2019 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024
School National School National School National Cohort School National
% of pupils passing in Year 1 87%  82% 83%  75% 64%  79% 59 81%  ~ 80%
% of pupils passing check by end of Year 2 100%  91% 96%  87% 91%  89% 60 73%  ~ 91%

Early Years Foundation Stage

Statistic 2018-2019 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024
School National School National School National Cohort School National
% of pupils achieving a Good Level of Development - 72% 62%  65% 71%  67% 38 76%  ~ 68%
% of pupils at the expected level across all early learning goals - 71% 62%  63% 71%  66% 38 76%  ~ 67%
Average number of early learning goals at the expected level per pupil - - 13.8  14.1 15.1  14.1 38 15.2  ~ 14.2




Statutory Assessments Report

Bonneygrove Primary School