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Communication at Bonneygrove

At Bonneygrove we value communication as one of the most important things between our school community. We appreciate that there can sometimes be an enormous amount of information for parents to take in around school life and their child’s education.

Type of Communication How do I access? What will I find there
Wisepay To ensure the school had an up to date email address

All letters, Email, Text messages, Newsletters

Class or club specific information.

Paper Copies Request from the school office

All letters, Newsletters

Class of club specific information.

School Website Visit: Various information, class pages, term dates, newsletters, curriculum information.
Classroom Door Before and after school we operate an open door policy for quick meetings.  Please notify staff if you require a longer meeting Anything that you wish to discuss or bring to the teachers attention.
Email Enquiry If you are unable to get to school and would like to submit an email enquiry we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Phone Call: 01992 307900 (including answer phone) Office open 8:00 - 4.30pm Report absences and general enquiries.
MarvellousMe Download MarvellousMe parent app from app store/Google play store or join up at Messages and updates direct from the class teacher.