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New Starter Form (On-Line)

Brothers and sisters who currently attend Bonneygrove School
Child 1
Child 2
Child 3
Previous playgroup/nursery schools attended
 Name / addressDates attended from / to


We MUST have at least two contacts in case of an emergency.

Please let us know of any change in contact details as soon as possible. It is essential that the school can make contact with you quickly, if needed.

Please note in the case of parent separation, unless there is a Court Order, both parents should be detailed in order of priority.

Parent/Carer 1

Select one of the following*
Are you a member of the Armed Forces*

Parent/Carer 2

Select one of the following*
Are you a member of the Armed Forces*

Parent/Carer 3

Select one of the following

Parent/Carer 4

Select one of the following


In order to minimise security risks at the end of the school day, it is essential that the school know who is authorised to collect your child from school. It is expected that all children in KS1 or younger will be collected from the classroom and not from the gate.

It is strongly recommended, in most circumstances, that older brothers and sisters in the school do not collect younger siblings.

Please list all persons permitted to collect your child :*
 Name of adultRelationship to child
Please tick*


Mode of transport (Please only tick ONE box)*


Does your child have a Statement of Special Education Needs*

Has your family or child had contact with any of the following:-

Child Family Guidance Education Psychologist*
Educational Welfare Officer*
Speech Therapist*
Child Development Centre*
Social Worker*


Are your child’s immunisations all up to date?

Pre School Booster*

Does your child suffer from any of the following conditions?

Please tick all those relevant

Is your child taking regular prescribed medication at home (outside school hours)?

Please tick one :*



Family Doctor Details*
Name of Practice / Surgery
Telephone number
Can the GP be contacted for information when/if required?*

We comply with the requirements of the Hertfordshire Schools Asthma Policy and request that you complete an Asthma Maintenance Plan when your child joins the school, which will be updated each academic year.

Please visit and complete the on-line Asthma Questionnaire and ensure all medication is handed into the school office.

The information will be used by staff in school to provide appropriate care and support during school hours.

Inhalers must be clearly labelled with your child’ name and date of birth, and remind you that it is the parents/carers responsibility to ensure that inhalers are in date and replaced as needed. If your child has an inhaler in school we MUST also have a spacer for this in school.

Children are not permitted to have/carry any medication in their bag during the school day.

What triggers your child's asthma (if known )
Is your child’s asthma (please tick as appropriate)
How many times (if any) has our child attended Accident & Emergency with an acute asthma attack in the past year?
Does your child have disrupted sleep due to his/her asthma (please tick as appropriate)
How often is your child seen by the hospital / GP/ Practice Nurse (please tick as appropriate)
What inhalers / medication has your child been prescribed?
Reliever (Name)
Preventer (Name)
Other (Name)

Children are not permitted to have/carry any medication in their bag during the school day.

MEAL ARRANGEMENTS (not applicable for Nursery)

Select one of the following, my child will be having*
Does your child have a special medical dietary requirement (as confirmed by a GP) :*
If applicable, please tick those which apply to your child :

If your child has a special medical dietary requirement (as confirmed by a GP) parents/carers MUST apply on the Herts Catering Limited (HCL) website (, before they will be able to have a meal in the school canteen. Please speak to the school office if you require any further guidance.


A first language other than English should be recorded where a child was exposed to the language during early development and continues to be exposed to this language in the home or in the community.

If a child was exposed to more than one language (which may include English) during early development the language other than English should be recorded, irrespective of the child’s proficiency in English.

In the case of an older pupil who is no longer exposed to the first language in the home, and who now uses only another language, the pupil or parent can determine which language should be recorded.



Our ethnic background describes how we think of ourselves. This may be based on many things including, for example, our skin colour, language, culture, ancestry or family history. Ethnic background is not the same as nationality or country of birth.

The DfES recommends that those with parental responsibility decide the ethnic background for primary pupils. The Information Commissioner (formerly the Data Protection Registrar) recommends that young people aged over 11 years old have the opportunity to decide their own ethnic identity. Parents, or those with parental responsibility, are asked to support or advise those children aged over 11 in making this decision, wherever necessary.

Please study the list below and TICK ONE BOX ONLY to indicate the ethnic background of your child.

Please tick one box only


Please tick only ONE box.*

Any information you provide will be used solely to compile statistics on the school careers and experiences of pupils from different ethnic backgrounds, to help ensure that all pupils have the opportunity to fulfil their potential. These statistics will not allow individual pupils to be identified. From time to time the information will be passed on to the Local Authority and the Department for Education and Skills (DfES) to contribute to local and national statistics. This information will also be passed on to future schools.


Children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to Universal Free School Meals. Children in Years 3 - 6 may be entitled to free school meals and the school could receive funding from Hertfordshire County Council/the Education Funding Agency, Bonneygrove Primary School is able to claim a £1,320 grant from the Government each year called the Pupil
Premium, for children whose parents/carers receive any of the benefits listed overleaf.

We are asking all parents/carers to complete this section in order that we can register their details, on their behalf, and access the grant.

Parent/Carer Details
 Parent/Carer 1Parent/Carer 2
Full Name
Date of Birth
National Insurance No.
or National Asylum Support Service (NASS) Number
Address (only required if different from child)
I am (or my partner) is in receipt of the following benefits:*

Any personal data collected will be treated as confidential under the principles of The General Data Protection Regulations.

Hertfordshire County Council will use the information submitted to assess your eligibility for education benefits. They will not use the data for any other purpose, nor will they share your data with any third parties other than the Department for Education if you are applying for Free School Meals.

The information I have given above is complete and accurate. I understand that my personal information is held securely and will be used only for local authority purposes.
I agree to the local authority using this information to enable my child’s school to claim the Pupil Premium for my child.

ARBOR - Student Information System

The Parent Portal and Arbor App let parents and carers register their child/ren for a club or trip, pay for school lunches (Years Three - Six) and manage payments all from their phone or computer. When logging in for the first time Bonneygrove will send you a welcome email to set your password. You will not be able to do this through the app, as the links in the reset password emails only work with a browser. The welcome email from Bonneygrove will contain your login details and a link that will take you to the browser version of the Parent Portal where you will need to set up a password. You will then receive another email. Click the link in this email to set your password. If you are having difficulty using Arbor, please contact the school office.


Increasingly, schools are using photographic and video images of children to enhance learning and life within the school. This is important in taking a creative approach to teaching and learning and in making lessons and activities as enjoyable as possible for children.

Members of staff may use photographs/videos in presentations, in subsequent lessons or to celebrate successes through their publication in newsletters, school events, curriculum work, display purposes, productions, trips, local newspapers and sporting events. Photographs/ videos may also be used on the school website, in the school prospectus and on social media, including Instagram and Twitter.

The Bonneygrove E-Safety Policy is available to view on the school website.

We would like to request blanket consent for the use of your child’s image. This form is valid for the period of time that your child attends Bonneygrove.


ICT including the internet, email, laptops, digital cameras etc. has come an important part of learning in our school. We expect all children to be safe and responsible when using any ICT.

Please discuss the Esafety rules below with your child. If you have any concerns or would like some explanation please contact the school.


I consent to my child being taken off site within a one mile radius of the school to, for example, a local post box or park etc.

I understand that my child may leave the school premises for local, curriculum-related, regular or routine visits, as may be detailed in the school’s prospectus, or for sports fixtures when representing the establishment as part of a team, and hereby give my consent for my child to participate in such events.

I also understand that my child may leave the school premises at other times when I will be informed separately by letter and when further consent may be required from me.

Whilst on the trip my child can receive medical treatment as necessary. I will inform the school as soon as possible of any change in medical circumstances.

I acknowledge the need for the person named above to behave responsibly and agree to the establishment’s procedures in this respect.

I am satisfied that all reasonable care will be taken for the safety and well-being of all participants and that appropriate staffing and safety measures will be in place at all times.

TAPESTRY - SHARING YOUR CHILD'S SCHOOL DAY (only complete this section if you child is joining Nursery or Reception)

Our Nursery and Reception class teachers can share with parents/carers what their child is doing in school. The 'Parent Share' feature in Evidence Me enables you to view reports (complete with photos) via the app or web suite, showing what your child has been learning and the new skills they are developing. You can send us your comments and feedback by simply adding them to the reports. This will help staff to support your child even more effectively in the classroom. You can also take an active role in contributing to your child's observation portfolio by uploading your own observations, simply add these to the app or web suite.

Once consent is received and your child is attending, you will receive an email from asking you to confirm that you would like to participate. Please check your spam/junk inbox. Participation is optional, but we really recommend getting involved. Please visit for further information and guidance.

CHECKLIST (only complete this section if you child is joining Nursery or Reception)

The aim of this list is to let new parents/carers know of the expectations of the
school and give you helpful information about school routines. We will be happy to discuss any issues
arising from this list with you.

Put on and do up their shoes?
Put on and do up their coat?
Go to the toilet unaided?
Dress him/herself, including tights or trousers?
Recognise their name in writing?
Who is picking them up at the end of the day?
When and whether the need for medication for conditions like asthma or serious food allergies should be given?
Where to find their name in their school clothes and plimsolls
Considerations for parents/carers once their child starts school
Would you be able to provide your child with wellington boots that can be left in school.
Would you be prepared to provide spare underwear for your child?
Can your child identify all their clothes and belongings easily and independently?

The information provided in this document is subject to The General Data Protection Regulation. The information provided is for use by the school, the Local Authority, QCA etc. as identified in the school’s Privacy Notice 2018. It may also be disclosed to the Governing Body and the Parents Association. If you do not wish this information to be discussed to either the Governing Body or the Parents Association you should notify the school in writing. Should you wish to obtain a copy of the information held by the school relating to you or your child(ren) at any time, you may do so by writing to the school.