Self Evaluation Form
What is a School Self-Evaluation Form (SEF)?
The SEF is a School Self-Evaluation Form. Completed by school leaders. The SEF lays out the school's impact in several areas. At Bonneygrove Primary School, we have chosen to involve other staff members and gather views from parents and pupils. All of this information has contributed to our evaluation of the school. Our Governors have also played an essential role in writing the SEF. They have offered "outside eyes", which has been extremely useful in writing our SEF objectively.
What is the purpose of the SEF?
Self-Evaluation is an opportunity for school leaders to reflect on their provision and impact – including setting future goals and plans. The SEF takes into account our strengths and areas of opportunity.
Is the SEF just for Ofsted?
Over the years, the SEF has adapted along with the Ofsted Inspection Frameworks. The form is to help school leaders look at what is going well - what needs changing and make those changes relevant and contextual to the school. Nothing is written in stone. The SEF is continually adapted to reflect the school's current position between inspections. Ofsted will utilise the SEF as part of its inspections. It helps Ofsted understand what has happened at the school since the last inspection and allows inspectors to understand how the school leaders and governors view their school and their impact.