Attendance & Punctuality
At Bonneygrove we consistently strive towards a goal of 100% attendance for all children.
For a child to reach their full educational potential, a high level of school attendance is essential.
It is essential for a child’s continued progress that absences are kept to a minimum.
Parents are strongly urged to avoid making routine medical/dental appointments in school hours. Leave of absence will not be authorised for holidays during term time.?
The school continues to monitor the attendance of children regularly and works with a local authority attendance improvement officer to reduce persistent absenteeism.
An unauthorised absence is one for which the school does not receive any notification or explanation from a parent or guardian in writing, by verbal message or by telephone. We encourage children's good attendance with rewards, certificates and book vouchers.
At the end of each term and academic year we hold a special assembly where children who have achieved 100% attendance are presented with a certificate.
It is important that your child arrives on time every day. Lateness effects your child’s education so please make sure that they arrive at school on time. Our teachers and support staff often run intervention classes and booster sessions as soon as the children arrive.
Five minutes late each day adds up to 3 days missed from school over a year. 15 minutes late adds up to missing 2 weeks over a year!
Being late adds up to a lot of lost learning time. Please help your child to be punctual.
For our full policy on attendance and holiday requests during term time please visit our Policy library.